Saturday, January 7, 2017


The typical weekend morning for Lola, wearing a new Hello Kitty robe our neighbor Robin gave her. Under her "comfort" with her well worn blanket and the chosen doll of the day at her side. She has a serious love affair going with her blankets; they are still often stuffed in her mouth with her chewing away on them. We have accepted the inevitable orthodontic intervention coming down the pike, but we aren't replacing the increasingly tattered remnants. So, due to sheer disintegration, she'll be forced to stop chewing them in another 10 years or so.

Recently we were on a trip to Petco and Lola asked me what her blankets say when she's away all day at school. I told her they say "Where is our big girl? We really miss her!"  Lola looked down at the blanket in her arms and said, "I love you blanket." and gave it a kiss.

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