1. This is a fantastic "starter" bib that I received as a gift from Mindy. Made by iplay and called the Drip Drop, this bib has an ingenious soft and absorbent collar that fits snugly by way of a velcro fastener.
2. Mum2Mum Wonderbibs. Super absorbent and leak resistant backing, adjustable snap collar to accommodate growing chub! I can wrangle this bib on single-handedly even when Lola is doing her best ants in the pants or stiff baby routines.
3. Honey Bunny socks. Scott happened upon these at the local Rite Aid of all places, and let me tell you, these socks rock. They are inexpensive, stay on and are warm - end of story. She's outgrown them already and I can't find them in larger sizes.
4. Prop-O's Head Support. Got this item at One Step Ahead. These car seat strap covers are so soft and keep Lola's head from falling to the side or forward when she inevitably falls asleep.
5. aden + anais muslin baby wraps. These wonderful swaddlers and wraps initially came to us by way of a gift from Scott's cousin's wife, Melanie. She raved. I rave. They are soft and just get softer as they are washed. They are very generously sized, but stretch for a nice snug swaddle. I just bought their newest line of "cozy collection" wraps and love these as much as their original version.
And finally, what list of winners would shine as brightly without the loser at the end??
Back in August, Scott and I undertook the making of a belly cast from a company called The Original Belly Works. We had all sorts of romantic, flowery thoughts about designing it and displaying it in the nursery and happily sent the rough cast to their Atlanta, GA studio for completion.
Well, that was then, this is now - 5 months, two versions and a complaint or two later and I have made it my mission to dissuade anyone who might consider this a great idea to abandon it.
In a nutshell [a big one], after a break-in and a trade show, the first version of the belly [#1, below] wasn't completed until the end of November and it was horribly done, nothing at all like the sharp examples shown on their site. I was so disappointed and ended up asking them to remove the image and send it back to me so that I could do the artwork myself.
The owner asked if they could have another opportunity to get it right by putting their most "seasoned designer" on the project, to which I agreed while wondering why they would not have had this person do it the first time.
Version #2 was done by 12/11. I liked it very much and was so happy to be that much closer to having it back. The finished, fiber glassed belly finally arrived on January 4th and on January 15th Scott prepped the wall to mount it.
It looked beautiful! For 15 minutes.
One of the anchors that held the hanging wire on the back came off and down came the belly. A small piece broke off of the very bottom and there is a crack under the belly. The end of the story - I immediately made the owner aware via email [because the shop was closed]. Still haven't heard from her.
Don't do it!!!!

Well, that was then, this is now - 5 months, two versions and a complaint or two later and I have made it my mission to dissuade anyone who might consider this a great idea to abandon it.
In a nutshell [a big one], after a break-in and a trade show, the first version of the belly [#1, below] wasn't completed until the end of November and it was horribly done, nothing at all like the sharp examples shown on their site. I was so disappointed and ended up asking them to remove the image and send it back to me so that I could do the artwork myself.
The owner asked if they could have another opportunity to get it right by putting their most "seasoned designer" on the project, to which I agreed while wondering why they would not have had this person do it the first time.
Version #2 was done by 12/11. I liked it very much and was so happy to be that much closer to having it back. The finished, fiber glassed belly finally arrived on January 4th and on January 15th Scott prepped the wall to mount it.
It looked beautiful! For 15 minutes.
One of the anchors that held the hanging wire on the back came off and down came the belly. A small piece broke off of the very bottom and there is a crack under the belly. The end of the story - I immediately made the owner aware via email [because the shop was closed]. Still haven't heard from her.
Don't do it!!!!

version 2