We would like to thank everyone for their gifts, cards, and good wishes. Especially mama, Doug, and Meaghan, their support while we were in the midst of labor, our stay in the hospital, and most especially our return home with the new baby was invaluable. During those first days in the hospital they looked after our dogs and cats, in fact Doug got started on yard work badly in need of doing - trimming bushes, blowing off the driveway, and I'm sure several other things. Mama and Meaghan watched the baby during the first days home, especially during the overnights when the lack of sleep turned that first week home into one seemingly long day. The tips on how to comfort the baby, burp her properly, different ways to hold her paled in comparison to the reassurance of having family close by when needed.
In order to bring baby home from the hospital you need a baby seat properly installed in the car. The nurses encouraged new parents to bring the car seat into the room the day before leaving the hospital in order to practice putting baby in the seat. When we put Lola into her seat we were struck by how truly tiny she was, she looked a like a little doll in a vast car seat.
It was very nice taking Lola and Maggie home. The hospital room had gotten very small and confining over the four day stay and we could finally remove the ankle name tags that had chafed Lola's little legs. Several times during the slow ride home Maggie and I said to each other "can you believe we have a baby girl to take home?" It's still sinking in!
Believe it! For us, we find it only gets better with each passing month - more bonding, more alertness, more curiosity in everthing, first smiles, giggles. Looking forward to following you both along the ride through parenthood. Lola's off to a great start with a wonderful Mom and Dad by her side :)