We had our twelfth week checkup, got another ultrasound and blood work. Around this time they do a genetic screening test called nuchal fold translucency scan, it involves a very thorough ultrasound in conjunction with a blood test. Everything looked great and we got to see the baby's heart, hands, and profile for the first time. Exciting stuff.
Here the baby measured just over 5cm, right on schedule growth wise. Notice the little hand!

Here's another profile picture, he/she was very active during the entire procedure, jukin and jiving around, it took the ultrasound tech quite a while to get good shots for the test but that was fine we got to see the baby for quite a while.
At this point the heart was big enough to see beating away, little fingers, toes, okay enough it was just pretty incredible stuff.
So exciting! The ultrasounds were my favorite because it really provided a window into the life that you're nurturing - especially if you're not feeling him/her move just yet. And they are amazingly accurate - I had an ultrasound just a week before I delivered Jack and saw his profile and full head of hair - and it's exactly what he looked like on the outside!