it's May 24, 2014 and Miss Lola is now 4 years, 8 months old. she's still a tiny little thing, but has not recognized that as any kind of impediment and is as rough and tumble as any of the other bigger [but mostly, younger] kids in her preschool.
we [Scott and I] did, however, make the decision to have Lola undergo some testing to determine whether or not she was making all of the proper amounts of grow juice - for her. the tests were not pleasant and mostly scary, and, in the end, we learned that she is healthy, but not making nearly enough growth hormone on her own.
it boiled down to making the choice of either committing to a lengthy program of nightly synthetic hormone injections to make up the deficit. or not.
we chose:
armed with her beloved blanket, a variety of band aids, and after much delay [blame the weak parents here] we took the plunge together.
time will tell how effective the program will be - in the meantime, she is sleeping more soundly and eating [and pooping] more than ever.